Karoshoek Project


During 2019, whilst the programs and Products were advertised and demonstrated at Upington Kalahari Festival, the project was identified by the General Manager of XINAR Solar Farm, as a possible assistance project, to schools in Pofadder area. We immediately started with 6 x schools with assessments from grade 1 to 10 to evaluate the challenges that they are facing and to address these low hanging fruits in Math.

A team of facilitators was identified by Education Platform and challenges were immediately addressed according to the results of the research done. Math and Science 3D products were used from Grade R to Grade 12, together with reading assistance and skills development. Computers and Projectors were supplied together with Computer Software Products and training was done by facilitators.

The same project was expanded by Sishen-Solar One farm during 10 to 12 March 2020 in Kathu and Sishen with the approval of Head Office of Kimberley, after demonstrations and presentations were done in Gamagara District office, to Department Officials, Subject Advisors, Union Members, and several subjects experts. We started immediately in the Gamagara District with 5 x schools, which were later that year extended to 9 x schools.

After end-year results of all schools the projects were extended with another 4 years to Pofadder and Gamagara District. In 2021 it was also now extended to Keimoes schools by Abengoa Solar Farm, after presentations to these schools. In these projects trainings are offered to more than 150 educators, to serve as mentors, facilitators, and educators in offering Mathematics and Physical Science to +/- 15 000 learners.

In the beginning 2022 a new project was launch in Mgcawu District in Upington with 10 new schools to be trained, sponsored by Karoshoek Solar One.

These Upington schools are:

  1. Top Line Intermediate School

  2. Grootdrink Intermediate School

  3. Karos Intermediate School

  4. Leerkranz Intermediate School

  5. Louisvale Intermediate School

  6. Franciscus Intermediate School

  7. Pabalelo Primary School

  8. Kalksloot Intermediate

  9. Frank Biggs Intermediate School

  10. Blaauwskop Intermediate

Project Objectives

• Gr1–12 learners will form part of the

• All assessments were analised and results forwarded to the different Solar Farms together with the graphs of improved results indicated in every grade.

• Test results were discussed with educators and problematic areas highlighted to be addressed

• The learners and educators were assisted with the content of the products together with basic computer literacy

• Educators were also given Power Point lessons this year according to the latest ATPs for Math and Science per quarter. (Ten weeks) This high quality, Power Point Lessons support the educators tremendously and gives them confidence to be well prepared for presentations in class.

• We do although do need the technology to assist and make this possible.

• To improve Mathematic and Physical Science results of all learners during the Phase 1 implementation plan for Grade R to Grade 12.

• To support educators with lots of resources without increasing their workload

• To develop skills in Computer Literacy for all Educators and Learners without disrupting normal teaching hours

• To assist educators in the offering of subjects, making use of advanced Technology, Computer-Software, Math and Science Products and Power Point worked-out lessons for educators in all concepts from Grade R to 12 stored on USB’s.

• To improve the long-endurance skills of learners in Mathematics and Physical Science & Technology, Natural Sciences, Reading and through Music in Fractions etc.

• To partner with all educators sharing our passion for children in learning and teaching

• To install a conducive climate for teaching and learning at all schools through continuous support

• To empower leadership skills of Principals so that they fully support educators with teaching and motivation of all staff.

The Karoshoek Project will be running for three consecutive years and may be extended with another 5 schools for 2023.

The principal of Kalksloot I/S, Mnr du Plessis and the SGB, receiving laptops and a projector from Education Platform (Sponsored by Karoshoek Solar Farm One)

Mr Pieter Lessing from Education Platform invigilating during assessment of learners in Karos I/s

Mr Andre Erasmus and a member of his team (far right), Miss Wilna Kok, with Ms. Springbok (middle) from Leerkrans. A new whiteboard was installed for the PowerPoint lessons provided.

The team of Education Platform interacts with the staff of Louisvale I/s to explain lessons in Mathematics and Natural Sciences provided to the school. Facilitators of Education Platform support educators. Santa Erasmus, Pieter Lessing. Zelka Rossouw, Hettie Antunes

Miss Hettie Antunes presented Basic training in PowerPoint.

Ms Helena Kok with teachers, assisting learners in lower grades in Grootdrink I/s during assessment

Mr Andre Erasmus introducing Education Platform and all aspects of the program with Leerkrans.

Miss Hettie Antunes and Mr Pieter Lessing from Education Platform invigilate during a baseline assessment for Gr 2 – 9 undertaken in Frank Biggs Intermediate school

Mrs Zelka Rossouw from Education Platform assist learners in the lower grades with reading during baseline assessment in Kalksloot.

An enthusiastic group of teachers from Blaauwskop, learning the secrets of PowerPoint lessons for the Gr R – 4 learners from Ms Zelka Rossouw