About us
Education Platform continuously provide Educational Solutions to Learners, Educators and Parents, through effective, easy-used Computer Software, Technology, worked out Power Point Lessons in Math and Science, from Gr R to Gr 12 in both English and Afrikaans.
We further supply a huge range of Educator, SMT, SGB, Learner and Parent trainings and support, although we are NOT a School or College.
Trainings varies from Study Methods to learners from Grade 4 to Gr 12, to Leadership and Management, Personal Growth, Communication, Disciplinary Procedures with knowledge of Legislation and Policies.
Our target groups are all Public Schools, Schools Centres, Home Schooling, Private schools, Mining, Solar Farms, Wind Farms and Social Development for communities.
Education is our Passion and therefore we are serious about our standards and quality of all our products and trainings.
Who are we?
A Team of Education Specialists with more than a hundred years of experience amongst our team members in Education, Leadership, Facilitating. Guidance, Support, Motivation and Training.
Our mission is to support, guide, motivate and train educators whilst they are in the system, with expertise-skills and knowledge of their subjects, so that they can stand in front of a class with self-confidence, a positive attitude, well prepared towards all the challenges of teaching.
We specifically specialise in training educators in Math and Science from Gr R to Gr 12 and are up to date with the latest know-hows on CAPS Syllabus, ATPs, lesson plans, technology etc.
Our projects are incorporated in the school programs, without disrupting teaching time. It is supportive, without increasing the load of educators. We reduce the tremendous overload of educators to the minimum, so that they still have time with their families and live a balanced life. Through our continuous involvement and support, we build a harmonious, trustworthy relationship that will last. Therefore, we constantly upgrade our products and lessons, so that educators can teach in any institution of urban and rural communities with the most limited resources.
Products and Services
TWAS award winning Math and Science 3D Computer Software developed by Prof Peet van Schalkwyk are used to allow educators and learners to experience these subjects visually, interactive, and real, with many exercises, experiments and 3D explanations and rotations.
Grades R up to Grade 12 concepts are all covered on one USB, through visual demonstrations on every concept together with exercises, experiments, and levels of difficulty in both languages.
Skills development as from Gr RR to Grade 7 is done through topics like reading, spelling, perception, association, creativity, art and math, through auditive and recording products like 123 SLIM or123 SMART.
The USBs of Math and Science are also accompanied with Worked-out Power Point Lessons per semester in all grades. This allows the learner/educator/parent to be hands-on with the subject even when there is lock down or online teaching. It also captures the whole syllabus of CAPS and can be successfully used by Home-School Learners/facilitators and Centres.
The Recordkeeping Skills Development Software in Afrikaans and English for Reading, Spelling, Brain Development, Thinking, Math, Perception, Association, Memory with sound and graphs of every activity from Pre-Primary to Secondary can effectively monitor the progress of up to a thousand learners per product. The products can also be loaded on two laptops per products and centres.
Staff development like Leadership and Management, Personal Development, SSE, SDP, SIP, IQMS, Time Management, Conflict Management, Motivation, Parent Involvement and many more, are key topics for schools to run smoothly and to create a conducive atmosphere for properly teaching and learning.
Education Platform also offers a wide range of training in Math and Science to all educators from Grade R to Grade 12. We support them with worked-out Power Point lessons in both languages. All lessons are CAPS based and the Power Point Lessons are offered according to the ATPs of the syllabus in each grade.
These lessons are all supported and underlined by Creative 3D Computer Software in both Math and Science from Gr R to Gr 12. These products are very user friendly and accessible. Facilitators are always available to assist and support in all Grades.

Presently we are running Math and Science projects in Northern Cape, sponsored by Solar Farms to over 30 schools. Our target groups are Math and Science educators. Supplying them with High Standard Technology, White Boards, 3D Computer Products, Quarterly Power Point worked–out lessons according to ATPs of Department of Education.
See projects under 2020 and 2021!